
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Practitioner in Residence: Lunchtime Lectures at Werribee


2 April
Mr. Michael Bird, Student Development Officer. Professionals Australia
Professionals Australia Career Development Seminar.
9 April
Krissy Hamilton and Grace Campbell, Investec
Finance 101
16 April
Judy Wookey - Social Work Uni Melbourne.
Director, Field Education/Associate Lecturer
Difficult Conversations about Grief and Euthenasia
Thurs 1 May
Dr. Cathy Beck, BVSc(Hons) DipVetClinStud MVS FACVSc (Radiology)
Mental health and suicide in the Veterinary Profession
Friday 9 May
Dr.Rebecca Belousoff
Animal CSI - Recognising and dealing with Animal Abuse
14 May
Dr. Phil McDonagh, Technical Services Veterinarian, Boehringer Ingelheim
Canine Parvovirus - What you need to know in Private Practice.
21 May
Dr Kate Stevens BSc BVSc (Hons)
The Art of Communication - how to effectively communicate with clients and colleagues
28 May
We all make mistakes, but how do we learn and move forward?

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